Python – Creating a Virtual Environment for Python2 or Python3

1. Install virtualenv. 2. cd into your project directory. 3. Create virtual environment. This will create venv directory under your project. 4. Activate virtualenv Done. Install whatever package you need for your project using More… If you are creating a virtual environment for python3, and you have python3 at the system level, simply replace step… Continue reading Python – Creating a Virtual Environment for Python2 or Python3

Google App Engine – How to build a user profile page with webapp2

The idea of building a unique page for each user is very similar to building a page for each post. You can simply use the ID of a user entity. Since I already have an entity for user, I do not need to create another one. Therefore, I only need to create a class. Before… Continue reading Google App Engine – How to build a user profile page with webapp2

Google App Engine Migrating from db to ndb datastore – creating a commenting system with webapp2 (part 2)

This post will cover fetching comments associated with a particular post and rendering the comments using Jinja2 template. The concept is pretty much the same as using the db model. Check out the below code. I first built a key of the post and fetched the post to pass it into params. Then I fetched… Continue reading Google App Engine Migrating from db to ndb datastore – creating a commenting system with webapp2 (part 2)

How to create a blog comment system with webapp2 (on Google App Engine) – Part 2

From the previous post, I went over storing comments into db model and this post will cover how to rendered the store comments associated with questions that have those comments. It was actually simpler than I thought it would be. See the below code. What I did here is that I fetched the question entity… Continue reading How to create a blog comment system with webapp2 (on Google App Engine) – Part 2

How to create a blog comment system with webapp2 (on Google App Engine) – Part 1

I am developing a Q&A website. Therefore, people must be able to answer questions and this system would be the same as commenting on posts. This is going to be a little longer than other posts so I divided this post by 2 sections: 1. Creating database and storing comments. 2. Rendering comments using Jinja2… Continue reading How to create a blog comment system with webapp2 (on Google App Engine) – Part 1

Google App Engine (with Jinja2 and webapp2) – allow hyperlinks in your textarea using CKEditor

My webapp allows users to submit questions and answer questions. I wanted to allow users to be able to submit hypelinks as well as format their contents to make it more visual and informative. I discovered that I needed to use what’s called the “rich-text editor” which allows users to edit their contents within web… Continue reading Google App Engine (with Jinja2 and webapp2) – allow hyperlinks in your textarea using CKEditor

Google App Engine – Fix an error when adding another property to datastore (webapp2)

As mentioned in my previous post, I am currently developing a simple Q&A website. I was able to display a list of questions submitted by users but I also wanted to display who wrote the post on my front page . I simply added another property “firstName” of the user to my db model in… Continue reading Google App Engine – Fix an error when adding another property to datastore (webapp2)

Create a link to a list of post titles with webapp2 and Jinja2 (Google App Engine)

After taking an online course on Udacity, I started developing a simple Q&A website that allows users who are logged in to post questions from a simple html input form. Once a user submits a question, it then stores the question in the Google DB data store. Most of the below codes would be a review… Continue reading Create a link to a list of post titles with webapp2 and Jinja2 (Google App Engine)

Get Python to print out another language (Korean) – part 1

I was not able to get Python to print out Korean. I learned that Python uses ASCII encoding by default, and Korean cannot be read using ASCII. I just added the below code at the very beginning of the file and the problem was fixed. The code tells Python that the Python script is encoded… Continue reading Get Python to print out another language (Korean) – part 1